Monster legends best breedable epic
Monster legends best breedable epic

High Elves originate from Aravia where they have built a wondrous, shimmering city. When the servants of the Corruption first came from the East with their dragon, they quickly made a pact granting them control of the region they now patrol as the Deadlands.

monster legends best breedable epic

The Barbarians of Hark’han are opportunists ever eager to offer their mercenary services to the highest bidder. These fearsome knights will let no soul pass without a royal scroll. His majesty has tasked them with waging his war of expansion, and protecting the royal administrators posted at Kaerok Castle.

monster legends best breedable epic

Hereditary Knights of Kaerok, the Banner Lords swear blind allegiance to King Tayba. Manual Cleaning Hauling of solid garbage inside the tankĭeclogging of pipeline : mainline and subline : sink drain and shower drainĢ.De-clogging ( Sewer Lines,Drainage,Toilet,& Floor Drain)ģ.Septic Tank Siphoning and Manual CleaningĤ.Preventive Maintenance for Food Chains, Malls,hotel and Restaurantħ.68 Banner Lords 45 High Elves 76 Sacred Order 63 Barbariansĥ0 Ogryn Tribes 42 Lizardmen 42 Skinwalkers 54 Orcsĥ2 Demonspawn 61 Undead Hordes 58 Dark Elves 55 Knights Revenantĥ3 Dwarves 46 Shadowkin 24 Sylvan Watchers Malabanan siphoning septic tank and declogging services Because of some shortcuts I took, it will always underestimate the amount of time. The average breeding time is an estimate based on the odds and how long it takes to breed each of the possible monsters from a combination. So far the only reported combinations that are working are for:Īrch Knight, Darkzgul, Thorder, Lord of the Atlantis, Goldfield, Nemestrinus, Rockantium, Vadamagma New Breedable Epic Monsters!Įrpham, Drop Elemental, Tartarus, and Darknubis are all confirmed as breedable Epics now! What is the Average Breeding Time? It appears that at least some, perhaps all, of the Legendary monster breeding combinations have been changed 2 days ago. If you know how to breed Firesque, please let us know how in the comments below! Dec 14: Important Update! New monsters may take a while to figure out breeding combinations for. Some may be breedable but their breeding combinations are not yet known. Not all monsters in Monster Legends are breedable.

monster legends best breedable epic

No Known Combinations to Breed Firesque Yet

Monster legends best breedable epic